
Monday Mar 10, 2025

Monday Jan 27, 2025
Episode 29: Play it Where it Lies
Monday Jan 27, 2025
Monday Jan 27, 2025
Episode 29: Play it Where it Lies
Terri:I’m choosing a topic this time: Favorite thing in your craft that you learned or did last year. Could be favorite project, could be favorite technique…anything. Also, least favorite I’ll add mine when I decide.
Favorite: Learning to wash fleeces. I was really intimidated by it. But, I love it. There’s something so interesting about it. I am starting to card up and spin some of the fleece I washed and it’s kind of amazing to me that I will be able to see things through almost the whole process.
My least favorite thing: I don’t really have one. Maybe not making Shepherd’s Harvest a priority and missing it.
Libby: Hmmm favorite thing - I would say either my hat I just did as I loved working with different textures of yarn and learning new stitches.
Not a ton of time for crafting so far in 2025 as I’ve been working super long days
The Purl Code (ravelry link)-Using my Leicester Long wool from Jubilee Farms that I got at Wisconsin Sheep and Wool. I’m into the body. Hoping I Have enough. It’s thick and thin and so it’s really hard to figure gauge and yardage.
Juniper Cowl-Toni Lipsey- I haven’t made any progress
My Favorite Vanilla Socks-in the home stretch on sock 1.
Adventurous Wrap-(ravelry link) no progress
Palmistry miits-Stephanie Lotven using my handspun icelandic with the pops of neon that I spun up. Finished one mitt.
Leith Hat: Ysolda Teague. Maybe my favorite hat ever honestly. Whimsical Wood Yarn DK in Smitten Ass colorway
DRK Everyday Cowl- Handspun Greens
Colorblock Bag - stashed
Wizard Hat by Morale Fiber - stashed though I may dig this back out and retry after my wrap top gets going
Crochet bucket hat - haven’t started yet
Golden rod wrap top - Knitpicks Galileo in Meteor, just started my swatch - there’s a couple option things in the pattern so I’ll be debating which ones. The hood doesn’t look too hard but maybe its best to start small. There is also an option to choose ties or faux wrap and I THINK I’m going to go with just ties. The optional detailing trim is so cute also so I may attempt it
Terri-Nothing for me
Cat Sith Beanie - Earth Tricks - I am IN LOVE with my hat. It is all finished up, I may lightly block it just to make it a little more slouchy/etc. But it is so cute I want to make another with different yarns. She has a ton of other cute patterns that are similar so I may try one of those as well. Maybe make something matching too.
From Fluff to Stuff- I took a good chunk of time and reorganized my work space. I now have a pretty good dyeing set up. And my work space where I spin, prep fiber, and card (someday sew) is in pretty good shape. I now have ALL of my stash in one place.
I spun some gorgeous BFL dyed by grittyknits in fluorescent green and yellow. It is just gorgeous.
I also am still spinning up my mimikyu batt for my pokemon replendence shawl
Ooh Shiny!
Through Flannel and Purls I found out about a fiber artist called Mellyknits some time ago. I’m currently stalking her shop update on January 26. Also Wafa is back in January and will be the weekend of the 24th through the 26th.
I may…have gotten some Montadale from the Frivolous Ewe. I’m so excited to play with it!
There’s not a ton catching my eye as I’ve been off social media lately a bit more and working a lot. I have been watching some videos about felting so I may try and start one of my kits soon.
Leisure Suit-
Terri- We rewatched season 1 of Severence in preparation for Season 2 this Friday. Steve and I LOVE this show. The acting is amazing. It has Adam Scott from Parks and Rec (and many other things) as the main character. It also has Brit Lower, Patricia Arquette, John Tuturro, Christopher Walken. All the acting is superb. It’s Directed and produced by Ben Stiller who I am normally not a huge fan of. But, this is great.
Libby: Haven’t watched any more of the crown yet still I need to get back to it
I’m on like season 6 of shameless - this is about usually where I start to fall off so we’ll see
FINISHED rings of power OMG
Started the aaron rodgers doc with Brian lol it’s okay
I’ve been reading a lot - on the final ACOTAR book that’s out & I’ve also been playing stardew with my brother
Terri-I got a walking pad and I’m enjoying it.
Libby: I got off work on time today for once lol. Also I had a lovely weekend in Minneapolis the weekend after NYE
The Fluff-
Terri-Kitties are doing well, but Steve moved his stuff around in his room and now one of his walls has a reflection of some lights in a way that Bowie finds fascinating and will stare at for hours.
Libby- Penny is being Penny of course haha. She has been laying up against our heating vents which is hilarious
We would like to thank you for taking a listen in on our little podcast. If you want to see more of us, check out instagram at fibercatspodcast and our website is fibercatspodcast.com. If you’d like to reach out to us, please do so at fibercatspodcast@gmail.com. We also added a Ko-fi account. Look for us on there at Fibercats podcast

Thursday Jan 02, 2025
Episode 28: It's Been a Reasonable Amount of Time Since the Last Episode
Thursday Jan 02, 2025
Thursday Jan 02, 2025
Episode 28: It’s Been a Reasonable Amount of TIme Since the Last Episode
Terri: I did get a cat for Christmas
Libby: Lots of fun things going on except I had to work during christmas week so that wasn’t that fun but now I’m on day 1 of 5 that I have off.
The Purl Code (ravelry link)-Using my Leicester Long wool from Jubilee Farms that I got at Wisconsin Sheep and Wool. It’s a variegated yarn so I thought this would be a fun pattern for that sort of coloring.
Juniper Cowl-Toni Lipsey- I haven’t made any progress
My Favorite Vanilla Socks-in the home stretch on sock 1.
Adventurous Wrap-(ravelry link) no progress
Palmistry miits-Stephanie Lotven using my handspun icelandic with the pops of neon that I spun up. Finished one mitt.
Colorblock Bag - stashed
Wizard Hat by Morale Fiber - stashed
Crochet bucket hat - haven’t started yet
Golden rod wrap top - Knitpicks Galileo in Meteor, very deep lovely green in person, it showed up last week and I was hoping to start it but I haven’t done a ton of crocheting.
Cat Sith Beanie - I am almost to the end of this one. I’m debating adding another row or two before starting the ribbing just based on how it’s sitting on my head currently and based on how I like my hats to fit. The ribbing is like an inch thick so I think that will be perfect. I need to redo the decorative fluffy row that is crocheted on top of a row as some of it pulled out because it is hard to see if you’re getting things in the right spot on that yarn. Hope to finish this week and then I’ll start my top and maybe start an amigurumi or something small.
Ilya Sweater- Caitlin Hunter -Finished.
Big Dice Energy Hat Ravelry Link Malabrigo Arroyo Prussia Blue and Neon Green that I hand dyed.
Libby: Nothing for me!
From Fluff to Stuff- I’ve been taking some time over my holiday to work on prepping some corriedale for carding that I got at Wisconsin Sheep and wool.
Been continuing on with carding and spinning up yarns for my Resplendence Shawl. This week I finished spinning and plying up Charmander and carded up Squirtle. Squirtle is quite gorgeous and a wonderful spin. I’m using some farm blend from Frivolous Ewe. Some hand dyed Merino Silk. I blended in some more silk and some angelina.
Ooh Shiny!
Catknit Pullover-Andrea Rangel I really want to knit this. Fingering weight sweaterz
Pokemon Knitting-Katie Boyette I got this for Christmas so I may need to shop for some worsted weight colors to knit up some pokemon.
Also found a skein of yarn on our thrifting adventure this morning. I got a 400 yard sport weight teeswater yarn in greens, peaches/pinks. It’s gorgeous!
Libby: Got some fun presents and found some yarn on our thrifting adventure this morning:
-mushroom felting kit, so now i have 2 lol. Gonna watch some videos this week.
-Ball winder and swift which was MUCH NEEDED
-Himalaya velvet which is a chenille but I don’t know much about it other than that. About 2 full skeins in a lavender color
-Red heart colorscape yarn Montreal is the color. Some red, pinks, grays and a little purple. 2 full skeins plus a pattern for a cowl so maybe I’ll start that next.
Leisure Suit-
Terri- Not been watching much. We finished What we Do in the Shadows.
Libby: Haven’t watched any more of the crown yet
GBBS - watched the holiday one, won’t give spoilers
I’m on like season 3 or 4 of shameless now
No progress on rings of power
Been watching a ton of crime docs, just random ones. Some christmas movies, and the doctor who christmas special
Terri-I say stuff
Libby: Spending time with my family over Christmas. We also went to Fargo for some shopping and went thrifting as mentioned.
The Fluff-
Terri-Sweet kitties.
Libby- I haven’t seen much of Penny since she’s at home with Brian. He said she’s pretty salty and annoyed I’m not there so it will be awesome to see her tomorrow. He’s sent me a bunch of pictures of her sleeping on my blankets and stuff.
The cats here have finally warmed up again though! Max (bubba) has been a really sweet boy and likes laying in my stuff. Ruthie is always pretty chill with me. Bowie has been an absolute ham and has been slow blinking and cuddling and all.
We would like to thank you for taking a listen in on our little podcast. If you want to see more of us, check out instagram at fibercatspodcast and our website is fibercatspodcast.com. If you’d like to reach out to us, please do so at fibercatspodcast@gmail.com. We also added a Ko-fi account. Look for us on there at Fibercats podcast

Friday Dec 13, 2024
Episode 27: Hello December
Friday Dec 13, 2024
Friday Dec 13, 2024
Episode 27: Hello December
Terri: I didn’t get Jack White tickets, but I got Jimmy Carr Tickets. Spotify Wrapped. Weird year. I thought the info was a little lacking. But let’s talk about our top five listens.
For me:
1: Vampire Weekend
2: Jack White
3. Kendrick Lamar
4. The Cure
5. Antonin Dvorak
Libby: Didn’t get MCR tickets. spotify/soundcloud wrapped - I also got new headphones
Ilya Sweater- Caitlin Hunter I’m using Ullcentrum Yarn in a heathered black, turquoise, and light gray. I am about ¾ done w/ Sleeve 1
Juniper Cowl-Toni Lipsey- I haven’t made any progress
My Favorite Vanilla Socks-in the home stretch on sock 1.
Big Dice Energy Hat Ravelry Link Malabrigo Arroyo Prussia Blue and Neon Green that I hand dyed.
Adventurous Wrap-(ravelry link) exactly halfway
Palmistry miits-Stephanie Lotven using my handspun icelandic with the pops of neon that I spun up. Finished one mitt.
Colorblock Bag - stashed
Wizard Hat by Morale Fiber - stashed
Crochet bucket hat - haven’t started yet
Golden rod wrap top - couldn’t find anything of mine that I had enough of so I ordered yarn lol - Knitpicks Galileo in Meteor, sport weight, merino wool & bamboo
Cat Sith Beanie - On row 17 - we’ve done some fun colors, I’ll post pictures again. Done some bobbles and some spike stitches, added a fun yarn for texture, not too much left. Definitely a fun hat
Terri: Musselburgh Hat-Ysolda. I think this is my 8th or 9th, not sure. I am making this out of 100 Ravens Yaksha fingering in a purple gradient mini set. 70 merini 20 yak and 10 nylon. Yaksha fingering-almost to the third color.
A felted gnome and a melty snowman. Liongate Farm
Libby: Nothing for me!
From Fluff to Stuff-
I’ve been using my drum carder. I absolutely love it. I decided to start spinning for a Resplendence Shawl, by Stephen West. So, I’m carding 2 ounce batts to spin up in different colors to make the “waves” of the shawl.I have so far carded Sprigatito, Gengar, Venusaur, and Trubbish. Right now, I’m working on a Charizard and…something pink.
I have been theming my colors after different Pokemon.
So much carding and spinning I’m not really sure where to pick up here.
Ooh Shiny!
Terri-Felting stuff and dyeing stuff. Other than that just random things that pop up in my socials. Nothing in particular but Lionsgate Farm Wafa vendor. This link will take you to their website. You can see the items they have to sale and it links to all their socials including her impressive You Tube page.
Libby: I went to michael’s the other day and they were having a yarn sale so I got 2 skeins of 2 different yarns. The Michael’s we went to had a way better selection than the one near me does. Don’t know what I’m doing with them…probably some sort of amigurummi with the blanket yarn
Haven’t had any patterns or anything else really catching my eye
Leisure Suit-
Terri- Criminal Minds mostly. I did start watching Outlander.
Libby: I’m just about to season 5 of the crown. I think I have 1 or 2 episodes left in season 4. Haven’t’ watched as much
GBBS - caught up - discuss
Restarted watching Shameless
Also watching Rings of Power
Catnip- I had a nice weekend with my husband. We did a little date day in Fargo where I trolled a Vintage shop and we ate Thai Food.
Libby: Had our friend christmas party. I made a delicious spinach artichoke dip
The Fluff-
Terri-no notes but I do talk about them.
Libby- Penny’s been crazy, so I’ve been calling her diva
We would like to thank you for taking a listen in on our little podcast. If you want to see more of us, check out instagram at fibercatspodcast and our website is fibercatspodcast.com. If you’d like to reach out to us, please do so at fibercatspodcast@gmail.com. We also added a Ko-fi account. Look for us on there at Fibercats podcast

Wednesday Oct 09, 2024
Episode 26: And The Sheep
Wednesday Oct 09, 2024
Wednesday Oct 09, 2024

Friday Aug 16, 2024
Episode 25: Chicago and Chilaquiles!
Friday Aug 16, 2024
Friday Aug 16, 2024
Episode 25: Chicago and Chilaquiles
Terri is ready to name a cat Ezra. Libby is…
Terri: We went to Chicago.And we are only three weeks away from Wisconsin Sheep and Wool.
Libby: I was finally home the first weekend in August and had the pool days I deserved.
Paul Klee Sweater (ravelry link)-
Shift Cowl - nope
The Traveler Cowl- Finished the knitting on it, going to block and sew together.
Juniper Cowl-Toni Lipsey-
Ezra Vestm-Orlane Sucche
Dustland Hat- Stephen West Leaf Livestock DK-chartreuse
Adventurous Wrap-(ravelry link) Ambah O'brien
Colorblock Bag - stashed
Crochet Cozy Legwarmers - Have done some work on these.
Wizard Hat by Morale Fiber - stashed
Will need some more projects here soon so I’m going to go back to my halloween and fall stuff and start looking a things to make for spooky season
Butterfly Wing Shawl- Finished and blocked and I wore it Monday.
2 Pocket frogs - knots.nstitches - free pattern on insta(hannah) - (knitpicks animation amigurumi set - oceanscape)
Weighted Crochet Blanket -
From Fluff to Stuff
Tour De Fleece. I’m was on the #campwooligan team. I did quite a bit for Tour de Fleece. I did a 500 + yard skein of fingering weight (2 ply) that I spun up from rolags I made from some farm merino from Leaflivestock and some stuff I dyed. It’s gorgeous. Also from Leaflivestock, I spun up a 3 ounce Merino columbia and tencel batt in some lovely grays. I spun up a 4 ounce braid of bfl in very muted but gorgeous colors from Hens and Chicks fiber, I also spun up about 3 ounces of rolags that were Ruthie themed. That turned out quite lovely. I did 4 ounces of rolags from Gritty Knits. THey are wildly colored. I love them. THey are very tweedy and multicolored. I spun up some weird rolags I made (will explain). Last but not least, I spun up some locks! Those are fun!
My husband also bought me a tensioned lazy kate.
Ooh Shiny!
Terri: I thought I would talk about a couple things. FIrstly, our trip to Chicago and the yarn shopping! We made it to two stores the Bloomin’ Spindle and Knit1. Both lovely stores and I loved my acquisitions. I will elaborate and you will as well I’m sure.
Spincycle Yarns- scroll down to see the great things this company offers their employees. Then definitely do some shopping.
Second: Last weekend I went to the Fargo Fiberfest. I found a few things I really liked and picked them up. I will elaborate on that too. This year had much less fiber than last. More yarn. I knew someone who had CVM would be there, but I wanted fiber unfortunately all they brought was yarn and I wasn’t really looking for yarn because I definitely scratched that itch in Chicago.
Libby: Yarn I got from Bloomin’ Spindle and knit1. No idea what I will do with any of these yarns
Farmers daughter - reminisce in Come an get your love 3 skeins Montana and wy ramboulet
Plucky knitter - legacy bulky in happy glamper - shaniko wool
Bought a couple of patterns to get looking at:
Crochet bucket hat - easy design. I spoke about this previously, gonna pick fall colors I think?
Golden rod wrap top - earthtricks, so cute pattern comes with option for sleeves and hood, I may try a non-hooded sleeveless one to start. Not sure on color yet I think i covered this one a LONG LONG time ago.
I also ordered a kit from Earthtricks, comes with an assortment of yarn in fun colors and thicknesses and 1 pattern. I think I chose the Unicorn fluff color (blues/purples) and the pattern I chose was the cat sith beanie
Leisure Suit-
Terri-Midsummer Murders has been put on the back burner. I’m so deep into Criminal Minds. I think it’s because I’m not paying a ton of attention. I’m sometimes reading, and also usually knitting and doing other things.
My Life is Murder has a new season up. I watch that one each time a new episode is uploaded. Also House of Dragon.
House of Dragon - caught up
Sopranos - 2 episodes left, we’ve been putting it off because Brian doesn’t want it to end
Gbbs - now I’m on the older seasons that are on roku tv
Started the crown, I think I’m at the part where Elizabeth just became queen
Catnip- Chicago! What fun we had. YARN! Vampire Weekend was AMAZING. What a crowd, and lovely venue.
Libby: Chicago, 2 weekends at home.
The Fluff- Terri: The cats are doing well still. Not much here to report again. I missed them when I was away and will miss them next month. I got them some new cat toys like I did last year at the Fargo Fiber Fest.
Libby: Pennys been playing with this bird bell toy lately and is more spoiled than ever.
We would like to thank you for taking a listen in on our little podcast. If you want to see more of us, check out instagram at fibercatspodcast and our website is fibercatspodcast.com. If you’d like to reach out to us, please do so at fibercatspodcast@gmail.com. We also added a Ko-fi account. Look for us on there at Fibercats podcast

Monday Jul 08, 2024
Episode 24: The Curious Case of the Missing June
Monday Jul 08, 2024
Monday Jul 08, 2024
Episode 24: The Case of the Missing June
Terri is still in full garden mode. Libby has a trip coming up, again.
Terri: We are going to go see Ludacris together. Two concerts together in one year. hahah.
Libby: Busy!!
Paul Klee Sweater (ravelry link)- Midori Hirose FInished colorwork. Into the body about an inch and a half. So much more to go. Slow moving with fingering weight yarn. My knitting time is also being significantly impacted by my garden time. I’m about 4 inches into body
Butterfly Wing Shawl- No more progress
Shift Cowl - nope
The Traveler Cowl- Andrea Mowry- Handspun-no
Juniper Cowl-Toni Lipsey- I’ve made it about 4 inches in I think. I’m past the second increase. It’s quite lovely and I don’t have to concentrate on it too much because it’s the same stitch the whole way.
My Favorite Vanilla Socks-I cast on this in something I’ll have to find the tag for to reference
because I can’t remember. Whimsical Wood Yarn Co. like Unicorn something or other
Ezra Vest-Orlane Sucche I am doing this in Kelbourne Woolens Scout the Juniper Heather colorway. It’s top down. I’ve got the top back part completed and now working on the left front.
Colorblock Bag - stashed
Weighted Crochet Blanket - done with the blanket, slowly weaving in the ends. They’re huge so I’m using my hands to do it when I watch tv, so it’s slow going
Crochet Cozy Legwarmers - Have done some work on these - almost to the bottom ribbing but I think I may run out of yarn. Toying with the idea of doing an accent yarn for the bottom, could pickup an extra skein today
Pocket frog - knots.nstitches - free pattern on insta(hannah) - started one, had to start over. Using the cotton I used for my mini dinos last year (knitpicks animation amigurumi set - oceanscape)
Wizard Hat by Morale Fiber - stashed
Basic Socks that Rock (ravelry)-Petra Machova Kourilova. Pride colorway by Critical Hit Dyes
Leith Hat- Using cascade heritage sock. I’ve switched from the brim knitting to the body of the hat section.
Libby: Happy Camper bandana - I think I did it in Malabrigo mecha in tabacos. Whipped up one for a friend of mine who saw me wearing mine - took me like 2-3 days. I’ll try and see if I can get pics because I forgot to take some. MIght have to make one more for another friend
From Fluff to Stuff
Tour De Fleece. I’m on the #campwooligan team. I’m not overly participating, but I am a bit. I started off thinking I would really be into the team part of it, but it’s a big team and I’m shy and generally don’t have the energy to keep up with things in the discord. But the people are great and seem really fun. I’ve finished and plied two yarns. Not measured yet, and I’ve finished another 4 ounces that needs plying and working on 5 ounces of merino rolags that I made.
Wafa was last weekend and I got some amazing stuff. Some more polypay and montadale. I even got a pound of Montadale Fleece.
Ooh Shiny!
Terri: We missed Pride month. But, I will talk about a few things that
Critical Hit Dyes has some GORGEOUS pride colorways. They donate to the Trevor Project with each purchase. I bought a couple. I bought the pan colorway Pan-Demonium and the enby colorway Ring of Enby.
Pride and Progress cowl-Carissa Browning. I don’t know if she’s a queer artist. I don’t think so, but this pattern will forever in it’s donate 20% of it’s proceeds to a LQBTQIA+ charity. WHich is awesome. And it’s really nice. I want to make it. I might dye my own colors for it.
What Mustard Made again has some lovely pride colors in fiber and yarn
Libby: Granny square duster I saw at forest it was AWESOME and I need to make one but I actually haven’t made any granny squares so maybe I’ll try and do some of those in the future
Granny square bucket hat - another project I would like to attempt. I like this pattern ( the alice granny square crochet bucket hat by the easydesign)
Leisure Suit-
Terri-Still deep into Midsummer Murders. We’ve got a new DCI, John Barnaby. He is the original Tom Barnaby’s younger cousin
Doctor Who: We are current and I’m pretty pleased with the episodes. Ncuti brings such a wonderful personality to the doctor. The episode Rogue also featured Jonathan Groff. I LOVE Jonathan Groff. It was so good. There was a kiss and I won’t say anymore I don’t want to ruin it. But, it was a lot of fun.
Libby: Doctor who
House of Dragon
Catnip- Just really been enjoying my outdoor space and how it’s coming together. Also Cillian got their driving permit. Not sure if that’s really a catnip. I might need some catnip to deal with it, though. My husband got us Ludacris tickets. I can’t believe we are going to 2 concerts together this year.
Libby: forest
The Fluff- Terri: The cats are doing well.
Libby: penny is finally adjusting to the new place.
We would like to thank you for taking a listen in on our little podcast. If you want to see more of us, check out instagram at fibercatspodcast and our website is fibercatspodcast.com. If you’d like to reach out to us, please do so at fibercatspodcast@gmail.com. We also added a Ko-fi account. Look for us on there at Fibercats podcast

Wednesday May 29, 2024
Episode 23: Full Garden Mode
Wednesday May 29, 2024
Wednesday May 29, 2024
Episode 23: Full Garden Mode
Terri is in full garden mode and Libby has some hidden WIPS. Maybe they are in the garden?
Topics today include Litterbox, PAWS, From Fluff to Stuff, Ooh Shiny!, Leisure Suit, Catnip, and the Fluff.
Terri: It’s been SO LONG.
Libby: Moving into our new place has been pretty hectic but we got moved in and have been slowly unpacking. I can’t find anything though, so I’m going crazy lol
Paul Klee Sweater (ravelry link)- Midori Hirose Almost done with the colorwork area. I’ve been working on a lot of different projects. And not all of them knitting
Basic Socks that Rock (ravelry)-Petra Machova Kourilova at the heal turn for the second sock.
Butterfly Wing Shawl- I did work on this a bit when we went to Fargo yesterday. Getting real close to being one with it.
Shift Cowl - nope
Leith Hat- Using cascade heritage sock. About 10 inches in
The Traveler Cowl- Andrea Mowry- Handspun
Juniper Cowl-Toni Lipsey
Colorblock Bag - stashed
Weighted Crochet Blanket - done withthe blanket, slowly weaving in the ends. They’re huge so I’m using my hands to do it when I watch tv, so it’s slow going
Crochet Cozy Legwarmers - these got lost in my car during the move, but I unpacked my car finally and now I can keep working on it.
Wizard Hat by Morale Fiber - stashed
Terri: none
Libby: none
From Fluff to Stuff
I will just go over a couple things I’ve been working on. I’ve spun up a lot, but it’s really too much to talk about here. I do put up most things on Instagram.
I spun up 4 oz of Montadale from the Frivolous Ewe. It’s gorgeous. I do love spinning Montadale. I’ve been doing some new to me fibers. One in particular was Gotland BFL. I have heard Gotland is more difficult to spin but mixed with the BFL it was rather nice. I got that from Wool E Farm at a WAFA sale.
Ooh Shiny!
Luminos Tee- Kind of vesty.
Struggling to think of much else honestly. I’m kind of in garden mode. I have six large main beds and then some beds along the fence and a square one and some buckets with potatoes. I added a smaller 4x2x2 and I have another to put together
Libby: Large Mouth bass keychain/pouch - ARSerendipity designs (Amanda Ray). My friend alex sent me this one and it’s so funny. There’s a couple different versions like a keychain and a bag - they’re all cute
Pocket frog - knots.nstitches - free pattern on insta(hannah)
Leisure Suit-
Terri-Still deep into Midsummer Murders
Continuing with Vampire diaries
Finished Gentleman in Moscow
Libby: Still going on vampire diaries
Doctor Who
Catnip- Cillian’s birthday and your visit this weekend.
Libby: Visiting family
Moving in - I’m more excited to decorate than unpack
The Fluff- Terri: The cats are doing well.
Libby: Penny is having a little trouble adjusting but she likes the patio
We would like to thank you for taking a listen in on our little podcast. If you want to see more of us, check out instagram at fibercatspodcast and our website is fibercatspodcast.com. If you’d like to reach out to us, please do so at fibercatspodcast@gmail.com. We also added a Ko-fi account. Look for us on there at Fibercats podcast